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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Loeper Vision Team the leading provider of vision care products and services in Medina.

Dr. David C. Loeper

Dr. David Loeper graduated from Penn State University, Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry in 1988. He went on to receive his Doctor of Optometry degree from the Ohio State University College of Optometry in 1994. He entered private practice in Columbus, Ohio in 1994. Dr. Loeper is a member of the American Optometric Association, the Ohio Optometric Association and the Ohio Vision Team. He is a Paul Harris Fellow and a member of the Medina Sunrise Rotary, Saint Francis Xavier Church and the Knights of Columbus.

Dr. Loeper specializes in contact lenses including bifocal contacts and contact lenses for astigmatism. He also has a special interest in refractive surgery management and pediatrics.

Dr. Michelle A. Loeper

Dr. Michelle Loeper graduated from the Bowling Green State University, Ohio with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology in 1989. She received her Doctor of Optometry degree from the Ohio State University College of Optometry in 1993 and began practicing that same year. Dr. Loeper received the Outstanding Senior Student Award from the Ohio State University / Ohio Optometric Association in 1993. She is a member of the American Optometric Association and the Ohio Optometric Association. She belonged to Epsilon Psi Epsilon from 1989 to 1993 and was a Clinical Instructor at the Ohio State University College of Optometry from 1994 to 1996. Dr. Loeper is a board member of the Medina City Schools Foundation and a volunteer in the Medina City Schools. She is also and active member of St. Francis Xavier Church.

Dr. Loeper has a special interest in Ocular Disease and surgical co-management for cataract and refractive surgery. She served as clinic director for a large ophthalmology practice for three years prior to owning her own practice. Children’s vision is another area in which she has extensive experience.


Melissa is our dispensing optician and frame stylist. She has extensive knowledge of the newest technology in ophthalmic lenses. Melissa hand picks each frame in our optical so that our patients receive the highest quality, most fashionable eyewear. She has over 8 years experience in the optical field and she can assist you with all your optical needs.





Janice is our front desk and patient coordinator. She is available to schedule appointments and answer questions about your eyecare needs. Janice also serves as a contact lens technician and trains patients in the proper care and use of contact lenses.